Vision and Mission
The American Baptist Churches of the Central Region is a voluntary association of autonomous Baptist churchesglorifying God through living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
Growing Healthy Churches to Fulfill Christ’s Mission
Our Mission
Providing Resources and Services to Assist, Challenge, Empower
and Represent Local Congregations in Ministry.
We shall achieve our vision and carry out this mission by promoting vitality in and among our churches based on Biblical faith, nurturing Biblical stewardship, encouraging the proclamation of the Gospel and effective discipleship in both individual and social environments, and providing an organizational framework for our shared life and ministry.
Promote vitality in and among our churches based on Biblical faith.
Enhance congregational leadership through excellent, accessible educational opportunities.
Train laity and clergy to access available resources through current technologies.
Recruit and train Region staff with specific skills to meet the need for enhanced congregational energy and vitality.
Create an environment of mutual love and respect in which difficult and divisive issues can be addressed, studied, and held up in prayer.
Create gatherings that reflect the diversity of people that make up our Region.
Nurture a Biblical stewardship encompassing all of life.
Provide sound strategic management of mission funds to fulfill the Great Commission regionally, nationally and globally.
Increase personal involvement in mission locally, regionally and through the American Baptist Churches USA.
Solicit investments in the Kansas Baptist Convention Foundation that will contribute to the support of the Region mission.
Provide excellent training annually in each area for pastors and church financial leaders in effective use of Biblically-based stewardship programs.