Kansas Baptist Convention Foundation
The Kansas Baptist Convention Foundation, Inc. is the investment arm of the American Baptist Churches of the Central Region. (It was founded in 1959, when we were known as Kansas Baptists.) We are a service organization designed to assist those of you who want to support the ministries of the local church, the ABCCR or its related institutions.
Kansas Baptist Convention Foundation is a not-for-profit organization established in October 1959 to serve the people of the American Baptist Churches of Kansas/Central Region by receiving gifts and bequests and holding them in trust for the Region, its’ institutions, and local churches. It is administered by a 9-member Board of Trustees, representing Central Region congregations, that are elected at the ABCCR annual gathering.
We are the investment arm of the Central Region and currently manage over $7,000,000.00 for the region, institutions,
churches, as well as our Charitable Gift Annuities. Our Investment Task Force meets quarterly with the investment brokers to ensure that our guidelines are being met and to discuss possible changes in investments.
It is indeed my privilege to serve as the Director of Planned Giving for the Foundation!
Currently we have nearly $1,000,000.00 in Charitable Gift Annuities that we are managing. Upon the death of the annuitants, these monies will be distributed to American Baptist institutions and local churches. Will your church be one of them?
It’s a known fact that, as a whole, the younger generation is not the faithful tithers who have supported our ministries for years. If we are to have the financial means in the future for our ministries, it is important to continue receiving the support of the Builder generation even after they are gone to their eternal reward. This can easily be done through Charitable Gift Annuities.
It’s a quite simple process. You make a minimum investment of $1,000 to the Foundation and you (and another person, if you choose) receive income from it for your life, and then upon the death of the last person, the Annuity goes to the ministry(ies) of your choice. Income is based on age and ranges from 1.6% for babies to 8.6% if you’re 90 years old or older. Several are choosing to get a Charitable Gift Annuity for grandchildren or great-grandchildren as a birthday gift. For a $2,500.00 Charitable Gift Annuity the child (age 0-10) would receive $40 annually on his/her birthday. During the expected lifetime he/she would have received far more than you invested and then the ministry of your choice would still reap the benefit. It’s a Win-Win for everyone. Even after you’ve left this earth, it will be a constant reminder to that child of the value of being a faithful steward of God’s possessions.
I would be glad to give a brief presentation to a group in your church and answer any questions, including tax benefits of certain gifts. I would also welcome the opportunity to visit with you individually in your home to discuss the possibilities for you to use God’s financial blessing for His ministry. I’ll gladly come anywhere in Central Region.
There is no charge or obligation for my services. I’d love to be of service.
Rev. Timothy Schwartz, Director of Planned Giving
Cell: 913-424-9939
E-mail: timmans39@gmail.com
2921 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, KS 66102-3911